Tuesday, 28 January 2014

First draft of Cd Cover and Advert

First draft:
These are the first drafts of my Ancillary texts which are made to go along side the Rock music video I have made.  They feature images of the band, the bands name and the name of the album that they are releasing. 

Many changes will be made to these texts for the second draft as we have new images that will be replace the images that you can see here. This is because we feel  that these images are not strong enough to be seen on these types of texts as they reflect more of a rap genre. We have also selected and chosen a new font type that will be used on both texts as we feel this text is not appropriate to our Rock genre. 

However, the logo of our band, places of contact and distribution company logo will stay the same. The song names and the people that are featured within the images will be the same as well as they are the members of the band and therefor cannot be changed. 

Friday, 10 January 2014

Filming Log 8


For this filming session we re-filmed the kicking out scene which involves Andrew and I. We had to re-shoot the parts where I chuck the boxes at him, push him out and then slap him. We shot these in a range of different angles so that we would have a variety to edit from. This would mean that the audience would be introduced to the surrounding and the location that it is being shot in.

For this filming session we used a GoPro which could film in a variety of different camera speeds and definitions. These included 120 fps - WVGA, 30 fps - 1080 and 60 fps -720. This meant that when we went to slow down the footage when in the editing process we could see which selection of footage looked the clearest and the most professional. This is in comparison to when we used the DSLR as when we tried to slow down that footage it went a little bumpy and didn't look as smooth as we would have liked.

This filming session went well as everyone co-operated in order to get all of the filming down quickly and efficiently. The individuals who were being filmed all had the correct costumes which meant that everything got done that needed to be carried out.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Album Cover Photoshoot Test

20th of December 2013

On this day we decided to take some tester photos that we can play around with on photo shop to see what looks best. This is so that we have an idea on what we can do when it comes to making our actual album covers. We can test out ideas and camera angles before so that we have practice in what looks good as a group. As our group was already in their costumes, we felt that it was a perfect opportunity to do a mini photo shoot. Some of the images only include our main band member/singer, Andrew. This is so that we could see what angles work best for him whilst he is in this role. We also experimented with different backgrounds that he could be in front of. We then took images where both Andrew and Kieran were featured so that we could see what kind of angles work best when there is more than one band member in the image. We experimented with lighting and shadows to see what helps reflect the Rock genre more.

Below are some of the images that we took from this day: