Location One:
These shots of the front room location where the band would be playing throughout the video and more towards the end. Instead of having this more homely look to the room, we wall dress it up in older, rustic looking blankets and pillows. This is because when we have looked at previous videos including 'Walk' by the Foo Fighters, at the end they have had older looking rugs and furniture to give the room a more Rock feel. It is also a good size as its a medium size and that means that when we put the instruments into the room, it will look more cramped which it would is it expected in the rock genre. It is also situated close enough to where we would need to bring the instruments from meaning that it is suitable in many ways.

This doorway leads to the hallway which is where some of the shots for the band could be taken. This would give the shots a more secretive feel as it would be like we were peering at them practicing in their own environment and wont look so forced. It will also be a challenge to try and get all the instruments through the doorway. This could be a problem that we could encounter but we will try everything to best avoid this situation. This is also the door in which will be seen in the music video when Myself and Andrew will be arguing. This scene will involve him being kicked out and this is the area where the boxes will be thrown. This is the sort of shot that you will see in the background of the rest of the camera shots. As it is in the middle of being decorated, we feel it is perfect location because it gives the house a more rock feel whilst giving the impression that the couple had not finished decorating yet.
This is a shot of the outside of the house where the the 'being kicked out' scene will occur. It is a good location as it has the big open window which has a good size compartment that opens up which is a big enough to chuck the boxes out of. It also means we can have camera shots of his reflection in the window whilst shes looking out so they are both in the same shot. This will give this location a more interesting feel. It is also good because there is various places in which the camera can be placed to get the most interesting shots.
Location Two:
For this scene, we will have the shots of the guy continuing on with his bad luck by missing the train. We will film this at St Helier train station as it has an open plan which we can use to film successfully. We can use the stairs to our advantage as it means that we can have high birds eye shots of the guy and his band friend. This would make them seem slightly lower than us at the time due to the fact that he is having all this bad luck. Also we can have the establishing shot of a panning shot of them walking through the arch down to the train station area.
Location Three:
These are the shots that we have taken at Morden Hall Park which is another of our locations. We have chosen to film here because it is easy enough to get to for all of us which means we can visit back easily if more shots are needed. It also suits the theme and genre of our Rock music video which means it is a location which will meet all the expected conventions.It is also usually quite quiet which helps the filming as we will not get distracted or interrupted as easily by members of the public.

This is the bench that the main guy will be sitting at when the flashback and bad luck happens to him. We thought that this was in a good place because it is surrounded by a lot of greenery which means we will have a lot of room to film in. It is also a nice place for the flashback to happen as it is surrounded by flowers and pretty gardens which helps build up the atmosphere.
This is the path in which the two characters will walk off down to get out of the park. It will also be the way in which the main character comes in as it is a nice scenic route and gives way for us to have room for filming. As it is such a long path, it means that we can have a variety of shot types to help portray our Rock music genre.
This is the river which runs through the whole park. We thought that this would be a nice shot too include within our music video as it shows the pretty side to the park just before his bad luck hits him again.

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