Monday, 2 September 2013

Post 5 - Rock Music Video 2

For my second rock music video I decided to do Guns N' Roses' 'Paradise City'. I chose to analysis this music video as I felt it fell right into all the stereotypical conventions that a music video should follow from this genre.

One of the main conventions that this music video follows is the band plays live on a stage. This shows the audience that the band are all in it for the music and that their music is real. Throughout the parts where they are on the stage, we get close ups of the band members playing their instruments. We are introduced to the artists right at the beginning which helps the audience identify each person. 

The camera work throughout this video is very basic like the video has been filmed with the cameras from the people within the audience. This helps give the video a more fan friendly vibe as it is shot from a lower camera angle. This then helps get across the idea that the band is all about their music and connect to the fans well. Also, this makes us think of the main artist as a more powerful person as we are made to look up at him. 

The music is very typical of the genre because you can hear each musical instrument and the main singer individually.  It has the loud drum beats that go on pretty much throughout the whole piece. Its also stereotypical because the pace of the song is very fast throughout. Connecting back to camera work, we occasionally see shots of the band members playing their instruments at the same time that we can hear them. This gives the music video continuity and helps get across the real feel to the piece.

One thing that was not very conventional in this video is the editing. The editing is not cut in time to the music which means that the editing is quite jumpy which connects in with the vibe from the audience. By doing this, it makes the music video more realistic and not so product-like. The editing of the clips are quite slow paced which is quite nice as its a contrast to the rest of the video. 

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